Daha balas pun, itupun selepas hantar 3 email
Greetings from MyEG!
Apologize for the delay as we are sending out the phone batch by batch. You may collect your phone during office hour at MyEG office, 1st Floor KPMG Tower, Bandar Utama (Next to TV3) from 8:00AM-12:00PM, 2:00PM-5:00PM. Alternatively, MyEG provides courier delivery to your preferred address. For the 2nd option, please give us 1-2 weeks allowance for delivery. Please let us know your preferred delivery method.
If you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact MyEG at 03 7801 1688 to know your status of application.
Best Regards,
My E.G. Services Berhad
tq, dan syukur......rezeki...
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